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Book Report: The Selection
In this scene Prince Maxon and America are in the palace gardens on their second date talking about each other's lives and America tells Maxon her secret. This is a relevant scene because it shows that they are finally opening up and are more comfortable around him. This means that the book will escalate fast and have a faster climax. In this scene it also shows that Maxon cares for America because this is her second date and some of the other girls haven’t even gone on one date. In conclusion this diorama is important because it shows the main characters are getting used to each other
and the climax is getting closer because America just told Maxon her deadly secret.

Famous Landmark
The Louver pyramid is a glass and metal structure in Paris, France created by the Chinese architect by the name of I. M. Pei. The louver is French for a window or door feature and a roof lantern or turret. It was finished in 1989 and it was presented as an idea by the president of France, François Mitterrand.The opening leads to a museum that holds the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo and the Nike of Samothrace ect. The pyramid structure was engineered by Nicolet Chartrand Knoll Ltd. of Montreal (pyramid structure / design consultant) and Rice Francis Ritchie of Paris.The pyramid has a total of 673 panes, as confirmed by the Louvre 603 rhombi and 70 triangles. Three sides have 171 panes each: 18 triangular ones on the edges and 153 rhombic ones arranged in a triangle; the fourth side, with the entrance, has nine fewer rhombic and two fewer triangular ones, giving 160. Some commentators report that Pei's office counts 689. This structure is 72 feet tall or seventy two 70 +2 rounded to the nearest ten is seventy and rounded to the nearest hundred is 100 The Louver really is a cool place that you can visit. It is also next to a beautiful courtyard.

Ruth Wakefield
Ruth Graves Wakefield was born on January 17, 1903 in East Walpole Massachusetts, she was an american chef and if you don’t know she invented the chocolate chip cookie. She was also a teacher, dietitian business owner, and published a cookbook. She was raised in Easton Massachusetts and went to Farmington university. When she graduated in 1924. Ruth married Kenneth Donald Wakefield, a meat packaging executive in 1928 when she was 25. In 1930 the two decided to buy a historic building in Whitman, Plymouth county. This building was a toll house from as early as 1709. This toll house turned into the toll house inn, they went from seven tables to over sixty tables! Ruth cooked for the customers with her own recipes. Fun fact Ruth invented the chocolate chip cookie by accident! She was trying to improve one of her other cookies, the butter drop cookie and used Nestle cookie pieces instead to try to improve the cookie she thought the chocolate would spread throughout the cookie but instead it stayed in clumps creating the famous chocolate chip cookie we know today. This cookie soon became a guest favorite and was named the toll house chocolate crunch cookie. She released this recipe in her improved cookbook in 1931. Nestle soon saw how much profit she was making and asked to partner with her. She agreed and sold the recipe for one dollar and a lifetime supply of Nestle chocolate. The toll house cookie rose to popularity in the 1940s which was also during world war 2. Ruth's daughter, who was her mothers assistant, recalls care packages being sent to Massachusetts soldiers; they soon began getting letters from troops all over telling them to include the toll house cookies in care packages for troops all over the country. Ruth Wakefield retired and sold the toll house inn in 1966 which later burned down in 1984. Ruth Graves Wakefield died on January 10, 1977 at the age of 73 in Duxbury Massachusetts.